Computational Thinking: High School Students Solve Murder Mystery by Deciphering Clues

180 teachers in 17 states have learned how to teach K-12 students to solve complex problems using computational thinking

Who committed the murder in the high school science department? Was it Miss Mercury in Room 17 with a ruler?

Each of the eight students in Brea James’s Boonville High School physics class had to uncover eight clues to find the answer to this question.

Each clue was wrapped in a different cipher or secret code that first had to be broken. James’s students broke the codes and uncovered the clues. They determined that the prime suspect was…

Ah, but we are getting ahead of ourselves.

What’s most important is that James’s students from Boonville, Missouri, learned how to solve the problem using computational thinking (CT) strategies.

“My students LOVED these lessons. The connections they made from one to the next in the cryptography unit were astounding to observe,” said James in her report on the implementation of CT lessons in her classroom.

James is one of 172 secondary school teachers who, thanks to an education research project led by a Rutgers University team, have taken online professional-development courses over the past three years to learn computational thinking. Many of these teachers, in turn, have shared their knowledge with hundreds of students in 17 states.1

Discovery Learning

The project was conceived by a curriculum-development team led by Distinguished Research Professor Midge Cozzens at the DIMACS center at Rutgers University. Now entering its 4th year, the project was underwritten by a National Science Foundation research grant and carried out in partnership with the Neag School of Education at the University of Connecticut.

The outcome of James’s work in cryptography (also called cryptography) with her Boonville High School students is a prime example of what Professor Cozzens had in mind when she developed the program. First, small groups of teachers learn how to do computational thinking in a short, online course designed by the DIMACS team. Then they adapt the same course materials to teach their students how to think computationally. The original learning modules were designed with math and science students in mind. However, teachers in the arts found the modules useful, too.

Image of the original board game called Clue
Suspects, locations and weapons for an adapted game of clue called Cryptography Murder Mystery.

The Cryptography Murder Mystery, published online by physics teacher Joe Cossette, was adapted by physics teacher Brea James for use by her Boonville High School students.

The outcome of James’s work in cryptography (also called cryptography) with her Boonville High School students is a prime example of what Professor Cozzens had in mind when she developed the program. First, small groups of teachers learn how to do computational thinking in a short, online course designed by the DIMACS team. Then they adapt the same course materials to teach their students how to think computationally. The original learning modules were designed with math and science students in mind. However, teachers in the arts found the modules useful, too.

“It wasn’t just math and science teachers.  We had librarians, French teachers, theatre arts teachers, history teachers and special ed teachers, and they developed their own understanding of computational thinking, which is a key point,” said Professor Cozzens. “The teachers developed their own understanding, and then the students developed their understanding. None of it was rote learning. Everything was discovery learning.”

“My big takeaway is that all students appreciate and are capable of understanding the use of computational thinking, what you can do to solve (complex) problems,” Cozzens added.

High Level Problem Solving

What is computational thinking? Essentially, it is a structured approach to solving complex problems that can lead to the development of an algorithm— a step-by-step and repeatable “recipe” for finding the answer. (You could use this process, for example, to re-create your neighbor’s secret cake recipe.)

The Rutgers professional development course contains ten learning modules. These modules present problems to be solved in areas like heart transplants, electric cars, tomography, data privacy and cryptology. How do you determine which transplant patient should receive an available heart? Are electric cars cheaper to own than gas-powered cars despite their higher sticker price? How do you protect the privacy of everyone’s personal data when it is so widely available in computer servers everywhere? How do you decipher a coded message?

An abstract image of the human brain titled: What Is Computational Thinking?

Click on image above to learn more about computational thinking.

Computational thinking invokes four main strategies to answer questions like these, all of which involve the collection, sorting and analysis of data:

  • Decomposition – breaking down a complex problem or system into smaller, more manageable parts.
  • Pattern Recognition – looking for similarities among and within problems.
  • Abstraction – focusing on the important information only, ignoring irrelevant detail.
  • Algorithms – Developing a step-by-step set of rules to follow to solve the problem.

Many of the teachers taking the online computational thinking courses then applied what they learned to teach CT in an array of disciplines and classroom settings – from physics and advanced mathematics to environmental policy and the arts.

Under the Rutgers program, secondary school teachers have shown great imagination in applying what they have learned to their classroom lessons.

Who Was that Hero?

Take elementary school teacher Anna Mello, for example.

Mello found myriad ways to introduce computational thinking to her third-grade students at the Lanesborough Elementary School, which is close by the Berkshire Mountains in western Massachusetts.

When I met Miss Mello in her classroom in February 2020, just before the COVID-19 pandemic shuttered schools, she had already created simple data-analysis exercises to help her young charges see patterns and draw logical conclusions.

In one exercise, she taped ten large posters (pieces of drawing paper) onto one wall of her classroom, each containing clues about one of ten Revolutionary War heroes. Each poster was prepared by one or two students to describe an assigned hero.  However, students only knew which poster pointed to their hero, but not to the other nine.

Third graders at the Lanesborough Elementary School study clues taped to their classroom wall about ten Revolutionary War heroes in a lesson on computational thinking.

Third graders at the Lanesborough Elementary School study clues taped to their classroom wall about ten Revolutionary War heroes in a lesson on computational thinking.

Mello asked her students to use clues (data such as birth dates, home state, marriage status, etc.) from their Revolutionary War history books to identify the other nine mystery heroes. She gave them no further guidance but had them work in teams of two to find the answers.

As Mello watched, her students chatted with each other, pointed to clues on the wall, and burrowed into their workbooks. They laughed, furrowed their brows, and exclaimed with joy when finding a right answer. Some found answers quickly, others slowly. Most importantly, their teacher observed, they were learning how to ask questions, how to think for themselves, and how to work in teams.

So thoroughly engaged were her students in these and other computational thinking exercises, some were clearly disappointed when the end-of-class school bell rang.

As one student had exclaimed in an earlier class: “What? School’s over already?”

Coded Messages and Escape Rooms

All complex problems are, in simplest terms, puzzles.

One of the most engaging puzzles for students can be found in the field of cryptography— the art of writing or solving codes or ciphers.

Which is why Boonville High School physics teacher Brea James had asked her students to solve eight coded clues to determine who had committed a hypothetical murder in a school science department.

Each of the eight clues were wrapped in a different cipher or code containing information about the suspect, murder weapon, and location. Each code was a known cipher from the past.

One of the simplest and most widely known ciphers was developed by the military general, and later Roman Emperor, Julius Caesar in the first century BC to protect military messages in the Gallic Wars. It’s called the Caesar Cipher. History’s most famous cryptologist was Alan Turing, a brilliant English mathematician, who developed the Bombe (precursor to modern-day computers) to crack the Enigma Code used by the Germans to send secure messages in WWII.

James’s high school students analyzed all eight unique codes, including Morse Code, to decipher the clues to determine who committed the science department murder. They correctly determined that the prime murder suspect was…

But let’s not spoil the fun, except to say that it was not Miss Mercury in Room 17 with a ruler.

The important lesson here, for all teachers who might want to introduce their students to computational thinking, is that it can be a lot of fun.

In fact, James’s students were so enthralled with the idea of solving more mystery clues and decoding more ciphers that they suggested—and with the school’s permission took— a field trip to an “escape room.” They came within seconds of winning third place for the fastest escape time.

Shown here are examples of two ciphers formerly used by military leaders and others to prevent others from being able to read their messages: The Caesar Cipher and the Polybius Square Cipher.

Credit for these two examples of ciphers: Physics teacher Joe Cossette.

As for James, she plans to continue teaching computational thinking.

She said her students enjoyed writing messages back and forth in code so much that “I am still getting coded messages on a regular basis.”

  1. Teachers from the following 17 states took DIMAC’s computational thinking course online: CA, CO, IL, KS, KY, MA, ME, MN, MO, MT, NE, NY, OK, PA, TX, UT and WI.

This article was prepared by Christopher Biddle, President, Biddle Communications & Public Relations LLC.

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